Apartamentos Monasterio de San Antonio
Tropikal Simon S.L.U.
Calle Campino, 28,
38430 Icod de los Vinos,
S/C de Tenerife, Spain
Check-in from 16:00h (4 p.m) or after consultation - Extra charge for arrivals after 21:00h (9 p.m.): 25.00 € (or after consultation). If you arrive later than 9 p.m. it's necessary to give us a short call when you leave the airport (after you have rented the car). For late arrivals please contact us quite in time.
Check-out until 11:00h (11 a.m) or after consultation
We don't have fixed opening hours of our office!
To see location on the island, please zoom out:
How to find us:
Arriving at the Southern airport of Tenerife (aeropuerto sur Reina Sofia, TFS) please enter the southern motorway (TF-1, autopista sur) towards Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Before reaching Santa Cruz leave the TF-1 at the exit number 6 to La Laguna/Aeropuerto Norte (TF-2). At the end of the TF-2 please use the left lane to the TF-5 (autopista norte in direction Puerto de la Cruz).
If you arrive at the Nothern airport of Tenerife (aeropuerto norte Los Rodeos, TFN) please enter the nothern motorway (TF-5) towards Puerto de la Cruz (NOT towards Santa Cruz!).
The motorway ends at Los Realejos. Please follow the main road (TF-5) at the left lane up to the traffic circle where you have the decision of "El Tanque" and "Icod de los Vinos". Please follow the way to El Tanque. You will enter an expressway after the traffic circle. Please take the first exit to Icod de los Vinos. At the following traffic circle take the way to Icod de los Vinos. After some curves you will see at the right side the Restaurant "Los Faroles". The street now makes a sharp right curve - don't take it but turn left into a small street. At the end of this street you will find our house. You can park in this street at the wall.
We wish you a good arrival and are looking forward to wellcome you in our house!